Puppies born September 2 - 2010
GB.Ch.Gentom Peacemaker "Peace"
N.Ch.Troon Shadow of A Doubt "Debbie"
Puppies born March 8. 2007 (1 male and 3 females )

Int Nord.Fin.Ch. Troon Lady Arwen of Rivendell
Nord. Ch. Troon Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow (Shadow)
Puppies born December 29. 2006 ( 4 males and 3 females )
Am.Int.Ch.NV-01/02/03 KbhV-01 SV-02 NordV-02 Jaraluv Karaoke (Karrie)
German. Ch. Cäser Vom Blausteinsee

Puppies born June 2. 2004 (2 males and 1 female)
This was a litter made possible with of frozen semen from USA
Am.Int.Ch.NV-01/02/03 KbhV-01 SV-02 NordV-02 Jaraluv Karaoke (Karrie)
Am.Can.Ch. Jaraluv The Future Factor ( Fleers)

Puppies born March 24. 2002 (no males 2 females)
This litter was made possible by frozen semen.
Am.Int.Ch.NV-01/02/03 KbhV-01 SV-02 NordV-02 Jaraluv Karaoke (Karrie)
Int.N.S.Ch.NV-95 Airescot Absalon